A private music lesson in NYC with a good teacher (professional player) starts at $50.00 per hour and goes on up from there, a lesson with a 'star drummer' or a symphony player could easily get to the $200 range. These good teachers are not nearly as accessible outside the major metropolitan areas. As a consequence a determined music student is always searching out instructional information and is already accustomed to paying for it -- private lessons, method books, videos, band camps, etc. -- all significantly more expensive than the proposed e-MusicLab individual membership fee.

In keeping with the 'community' model e-MusicLab will encourage its visitors to become registered users which will provide access at a variety of levels based on the fees.


  1. TIERS OF INSTRUCTION -- The will be three tiers
    1. Free -- Teaser level with BRIEF, WORKING lessons representing each level of difficulty
    2. Intermediate Level -- beginning to intermediate lessons in all content areas
    3. Pro Level -- professional level lessons in all content areas

  2. TIER FEES -- Tier 2 and Tier 3 are accessible by membership only
    1. Tier One -- Free
    2. Tier Two -- Intro Level -- $9.99 per month, $19.99 per quarter, $69.99 per year -- access to free tier and tier 2
    3. Tier Three -- Pro Level -- $19.99 per month, $39.99 per quarter, $99.99 per year -- full access to all three tiers

  3. PREMIUM CONTENT -- Content will be developed that will be used in special ways
    1. Special events Content -- , video streaming concerts, clinics, addressing special issues, etc. This content will be priced on a per access (over time) basis. For ex., a special clinic by Dave Weckl might have a special rate of $4.95 and it will be available for a specific span of time (week, month, etc.).

    1. School Music Organizations -- This license/registration fee would give access to pre-determined (by fee level) areas on the site for the 'organization' computer. Students in the member school music program will be allowed to purchase discounted memberships for the various levels. This should go a long way to prevent widespread 'loaning'and 'burning' of the materials.

    2. Private Teachers Membership -- Same paradigm -- with umbrella 'private teacher' membership comes discounts for students. In addition, a program should be started that registers and lists e-MusicLab 'structors . . . for each xxx number of their students they register (at a discount) the teacher receives incentives (free membership -- all access -- swag, videos, copies of books, etc.)

    3. Site Purchases Membership will not be required for purchasing anything on the site -- but it will enhance the experience and provide the basis for price discounting.

      NOTE: Rock & Roll access badge graphics should be used to define these individual areas -- from basic/limited access (what's on the 'intro level' of the website) -- to complete access based on fee payments.